The City of Ember (2) (review by Joe)

‘The City of Ember’ is a book where an epic adventure takes place inside an underground city. Lina Mayfleet and Doon Harrow live in their slowly dying city that is also being stolen from by the mayor and let down by the generator. Lina (a direct descendent of the seventh mayor) has been appointed as a messenger has her job in the city of ember. This job takes her whizzing around the streets of Ember and also leads her to some clues on what’s going on in the city.

city_of_emberbLina finds a beautiful box in her house and discovers a message from the builders. She talks to her friend Doon about it, to see if he knows anything on what it means. In times of trouble the city is going in to hibernation with people running round stealing food and doing all kinds of crazy things. Will this get in the way of lina and Doon finding the way out of ember?

Jeanne Duprau has written a truly wonderful book on a tale of hope, desperation and friendship. The book will leave you wanting to read the next book of the series, ‘People of Sparks’.

I give the book 4 stars 

Anyone from the age of 8- 70 will love this book and never want to put it down.

Image is a movie poster from: