Dragon Rider (review by Laura S.)

dragon‘Dragon Rider’ is a story where a group of dragons’ home is in danger. They do not have the power to stop such a disaster, so a young dragon called Firedrake and his brownie friend, Sorrel, set out on a journey to look for the one place them and the other dragons will be safe, the Rim of Heaven. On their travels, they make friends with a boy called Ben and the three of them search for this lost land. They have help from many friends along the way, but a fiend watches in the darkness. One who wants Firedrake to find the Rim of Heaven; but not so the dragons are safe – so he can destroy the last dragons on Earth.

Cornelia Funke was born in Dorsten, Westphalia 1958. She likes writing stories that kids would enjoy, and served a while as an illustrator for children’s books. She was enchanted to draw fabulous creatures and started writing stories about wondrous creatures and unimaginable places. She wants to write stories that grasped the imagination and make a happy reading experience. She was always a lover of fantasies and always did lots of research before writing a novel. She draws her own pictures to get a better understanding of what was happening in that scene and what might happen next. She was inspired by novels like ‘Peter Pan’ and ‘Lord of the Rings’.

I thought ‘Dragon Rider’ was a great book. It gets into the action and thrill of the story right from the beginning. It is a great book for those who love adventure right from when they first start reading. The author has taken as many turns and twists to the story as she could all throughout the book. The book has been written in a way that makes you want to keep on reading. It is unpredictable to as what may happen next in the story, and the author threw in as many unexpected twists as she could.  The author put as much detail into the same subject as possible making the story extra exciting. In short, this is a great book for anyone with a love for adventure.

Note: You might like to visit Cornelia Funke’s web site: http://www.corneliafunke.de/en/ to find out more about her writing, including details about her other books (like ‘Inkheart’ – now a movie) and hints from the author for your writing!