Hating Alison Ashley (review by Sarah N.)

haa‘Hating Alison Ashley’ is a novel written by Robin Klein. Robin Klein was born in Kempsey, NSW and is now a full-time writer. Many of her books have been short listed for the Australian Children’s Book of the Year award, one being ‘Hating Alison Ashley’ which has also been turned into a movie.

‘Hating Alison Ashley’ is set at Barringa East Primary School. Erica Yurken is the main character and always thought that she belonged as an actress, but when Alison Ashley unexpectedly turned up and her class went on their annual camp everything changes for Ericia Yurken. She becomes nervous and dreads the night of presentation, where the class shows off what they did whilst at camp.

I would recommend this book for children from the age eleven to sixteen.