Time to read!

tumblr_max9qbu2zS1rebh9to1_500As the holidays get closer, the weather cools and term time winds down, it’s time to start thinking what you would like to read during the winter holidays.

Perhaps you’ve already had time this year to dip into some great books? If so, it would be wonderful if you could share some suggestions to others. While there are many great books reviewed on this blog (check out the list on the List of Reviews page), crowdsourcing recommendations from keen readers is also a wonderful way to find out about both new titles, and those which have been around for some time.

Please enter your recommendations in the form below, so that I can compile a list of recommendations to share.

Of course, you also look into our Library Thing catalogue, which provides access to lots of details about our newest library purchases, along with recommendations for similar titles that you would enjoy. GoodReads is another site that you can join to share your reading experience with friends and other bibliophiles.


[please share your suggestions here]

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