Are you prepared?

How tall is your TBR pile?

What do you have ready in case you have to stay at home for a period of time? Aside from the pile of TBRs beside your bed, have you thought about access to:

1. Local/state/national libraries

2. Ebooks

3. Audiobooks

4. Bookshop deliveries

These are some of the options I am pondering. Unfortunately, some local libraries (or their branches) are closing or limiting their services. It’s a good idea to get in and borrow physical books NOW.

Be sure you have some membership of a local library – you will need to present physically for this, so do it NOW. This will enable access to ONLINE RESOURCES (ebooks and audiobooks) when libraries shutdown.

(Just don’t stay too long and be socially aware of your distance.)

Membership to State and National libraries enable access to databases and resources you may need for school/research purposes. And local library membership enables this too. [All HS students should access these options.]

Then, as things tighten down and you have to stay close to home, many bookshops are offering free local deliveries. Just ask your local bookshop what they are offering.

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